Zoning Board of Adjustment
Candia Town Offices
74 High Street
Candia, NH 03034

Phone: 603-483-8588 (Land Use Office)

Town Directory & Contacts

Meeting Information

Zoning Board of Adjustment meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Town Office Meeting Room. If there is no business to be conducted, the ZBA meeting is cancelled.



The mission of the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) is required by RSA 673:1 and is mandatory whenever a town or city enacts a Zoning Ordinance.  The main goal of the ZBA is to make exceptions to the ordinance without having to change the ordinance itself.

The ZBA has the authority to act in four separate and distinct categories whenever a property owner seeks relief from the requirements of Candia’s zoning ordinance:

  1. Appeal from Administrative Decision
  2. Approval of Special Exception
  3. Grant of Variance
  4. Grants of Equitable Waivers of Dimensional Requirements

Members are appointed to three-year terms and must be residents of Candia.

Public hearings are noticed in the local newspaper.

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  Phone: 603-483-8101

  Email: info@candianh.org

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