Road Agent
Candia Town Offices
74 High Street
Candia, NH 03034
Phone: 603-660-8696 (Road Agent)
Phone: 603-483-8101 (Selectmen's Office)
Town Directory & ContactsRoad Agent Announcements

The Road Agent is responsible for the construction and maintenance of Candia's roadways and provides the necessary equipment or subcontractors for this purpose.
The Road Agent's position is an elected 3-year term.
- Processing and approving of driveway permits
- Yearly road reconstruction projects
- Snow plowing
- Roadside mowing
- Review of subdivision plans in conjunction with the town engineer to ensure compliance with town standards
- Inspect and review construction of new roads in conjunction with the town engineer to ensure compliance with town standards
How you can help
The Road Agent would like to remind residents of a few rules that can help make the road agent's job more efficient and our roads safe for all:
- Do not push snow across the roadway
- Do not park within 10 feet of the roadway
- Do not snowplow snow into the roadway
- Please yield to snowplows
- All driveway culverts are the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain per RSA 236.13VI.