Recycling Center
Candia Recycling Center
29 Deer Run Road
Candia, NH 03034

Phone: 603-483-2892

Town Directory & Contacts

Office Hours

  • Wednesday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
  • Thursday (Winter Hours): Noon - 5:00pm
  • Thursday (Summer Hours): Noon - 7:00pm
  • Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
  • Sunday: 8:00am - 2:00pm
  • The Candia Recycling Center will be closed if there is a state of emergency or loss of power.


Recycling Center Announcements


The Recycling Center is open to all Candia residents and recycling is mandatory in order to use the facility. Here are some key reasons why recycling is important:

  • Energy savings and conservation of natural resources. Items made from recycled material save our natural resources, and saves energy used to produce new products.
  • Keeps costs down. Recycling keeps a substantial amount of material out of the trash. This is important because trash that goes to a landfill is the most expensive means of disposal. By taking into account the avoided cost of not land-filling recyclable materials, and adding the revenue we get by recycling, the savings plus returns of recycling total more than a million dollars since the Recycling Center opened in 2008.
  • Saves valuable landfill space. The local landfill space is limited, so the more we can keep out of landfills, the longer they will last. This will avoid expensive shipping to other locations.

Policies & Guidelines

  • Recycling is mandatory. Items must be separated and recycled for all existing programs.
  • Permit stickers are required. Permits are available at the Recycling Center during normal business hours and must be placed on the lower right corner of the windshield.
  • Disposal of large amounts of waste must be approved and scheduled in advance.  Please contact a staff member for assistance.
  • Fees are required for items for which the town pays additional disposal charges. Fees must be paid by check.
  • Any violations are subject to fines.
  • Facility opening and closing hours are strictly adhered to. The facility will be closed for certain holidays that are set by the Town each year.
  • Speed limit on the site is 15 mph.

Recycling Guidelines and Disposal Fees

Item Additional Information
#2 Natural Plastic Translucent bottles and containers, such as milk jugs and windshield washer jugs.
Mixed Paper Any paper that can be ripped: newspapers, magazines, cereal boxes, etc.
NO cardboard or metallic-type wrapping paper.
#1-7 Plastic Most plastic containers (except #2 containers) with a number 1-7 recycling symbol.
NO bags, NO ‘clamshell’ food containers.
Aluminum Cans Aluminum beverage containers only.
Tin Cans All kinds of tin or steel cans, tin foil, aluminum pie plates, pet food cans, empty aerosol cans. Please clean and rinse containers.
Glass Glass bottles and jars, ceramics, pyrex, pottery.
NO bulbs or automotive glass, no glass with metal attached.
Corrugated Cardboard Clean and dry corrugated cardboard. (with a wavy-ripply middle).
NO waxed, oily, or dirty cardboard.
Clothing and Shoes Clean and dry clothing, shoes, and textiles.
Compost Pile Leaves, grass clippings, wood chips, small amounts of sawdust, and small amounts of manure.
NO bagged material, NO kitty litter.
Brush Pile Brush and tree cuttings under 5” dia. Clean and unpainted wood.
Before bringing brush, please call first to confirm that the brush pile is open.
Waste Oil and Oil Filters Place in the collection area near oil tanks.
Gasoline not accepted.
Automotive Batteries Place in battery storage shed.
Household Trash Waste material gets dropped into the compactor chute.
Bags must contain only waste that cannot be recycled.
Scrap Metal Place in metal pile. Remove any non-metal parts. See attendant for non-ferrous metal.
Electronic Items Includes all items with electrical cables. See attendant for TV’s and monitors.
Construction and Demolition Material See attendant.
Stove Ash See attendant.
Universal Waste See attendant. Includes items which are considered hazardous, such as fluorescent bulbs, button batteries, lithium-ion batteries, rechargeable batteries, thermostats, thermometers.
Household Hazardous Waste A household hazardous waste collection day is held each year. Ask attendant for the date and times.
FEE ITEMS: Fees are required for items for which the town pays additional disposal charges. Fees must be paid by check.
$2 each /
$5 each (starting Oct 1, 2022)
Any car or pickup truck sized tires, with or without rims.
Commercial truck tires are not accepted.
20 lb propane tanks
$5 unit
Bulky furniture
$10 each piece
Stuffed furniture pieces, mattresses, box springs.
Fire extinguishers
$10 per unit
TV’s and monitors
$20 each
Appliances containing Freon
$20 each unit
Refrigerators, AC units, water coolers, dehumidifiers.

If you have any questions about what goes where, please ask any Recycling Center Operator for assistance!

Candia Swap Shoppe - July 2020Swap Shop

Where you can "take it or leave it"

The swap shop is staffed by dedicated volunteers. This provides a place where clean, useable items can be dropped off or picked up for re-use. The hours vary according to the availability of volunteers. The swap shop is always looking for new volunteers. if you are interested in volunteering, give your name to any Recycling Center staff member or swap shop volunteer.

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