Cemetery Trustees

Date Agenda Minutes Attachments Notices
06/16/2022AgendaMinutes  Meeting Notice
05/19/2022AgendaMinutes  Meeting Notice
04/21/2022AgendaMinutes  Meeting Notice
03/17/2022AgendaMinutes  Meeting Notice
02/17/2022    Meeting Notice
Meeting cancelled
01/20/2022AgendaMinutes  Meeting Notice
12/16/2021AgendaMinutes  Meeting Notice
11/18/2021AgendaMinutes  Meeting Notice
10/12/2021 Minutes  Meeting Notice
09/16/2021AgendaMinutes  Meeting Notice
08/19/2021AgendaMinutes  Meeting Notice
07/15/2021AgendaMinutes  Meeting Notice

Showing 25 - 36 of 141 Results

Document Types

Agendas: This site may be considered a public posting area in accordance with the Right to Know Law pursuant to the following new wording in RSA 91-A:2... "Except in an emergency or when there is a meeting of a legislative committee, a notice of the time and place of each such meeting, including a nonpublic session, shall be posted in 2 appropriate places one of which may be the public body's Internet website, if such exists, or shall be printed in a newspaper of general circulation in the city or town at least 24 hours, excluding Sundays and legal holidays, prior to such meetings."

Minutes: In some instances, unapproved meeting minutes (indicated with *) will be posted and then replaced with the approved minutes. If the meeting minutes are listed as draft or unapproved, they have not yet been approved by the respective committee or board. Please see subsequent minutes for the approved version.

Attachments: Any attachments noted in the minutes that are not posted with the minutes are available by request at the Candia Town Hall.

Audio Files: Although audio recordings (indicated with in the Minutes column) of town meetings are not required by state statutes, the Town of Candia has chosen to provide them for your convenience. Visit New Hampshire Municipal Association for more information. Please note that, due to space issues, recordings will be purged from the website after one year.

Notices: Public hearing notices and meeting notices are posted here.

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