Agricultural Commission
Matthew Cobb, Chair (2028)
Alex Campbell (2028)
Tom DiMaggio (2026)
Ron Howe (2027)
Joe Lamarche (2027)
Melissa Madden (2028)
Darrel Nafranowicz (2026)
Rich Ascolillo, Alternate (2028)
Debra Cobb, Treasurer, Alternate (2027)
Pattie Davis, Alternate (2028)
Ken Madden, Alternate (2026)
Animal Control
Phone: 603-483-2317 (Police Dispatch will page Animal Control)
Board of Selectmen
Phone: 603-483-8101
Fax: 603-483-0252
Brien Brock, Chair (2028)
Patrick Moran, Vice-Chair (2026)
Boyd Chivers (2027)
Stephanie Helmig (2028)
Susan Young (2027)
Amy Spencer, Town Administrator
Linda Chandonnet, Administrative Assistant (Appointed)
Tamera Peek, Accounting & Payroll Specialist (Appointed)
Melissa Madden, Finance Office Assistant (Appointed)
Budget Committee
Phone: 603-483-8101 (Selectmen's Office)
Allyn Chivers, Chair (2027)
Susan Gill, Vice-Chair (2028)
Katrina K Niles (2026)
Joshua Reap (2026)
William Saffie (2026)
Steve Tremblay (2028)
Ryan Young (2027)
Susan Young, Selectmen Representative (Appointed)
Patrick Moran, Selectmen Representative Alternate (Appointed)
Stephanie Helmig, School Board Representative (Appointed)
Merideth Wilson, School Board Representative Alternate (Appointed)
Building Inspector
Phone: 603-483-1015
William Dinsmore, Building Inspector (Appointed)
Megan Ross, Land Use Coordinator (Appointed)
Cemetery Sexton
Phone: 603-851-1290
Martin McFarland, Cemetery Sexton
Cemetery Trustees
Phone: 603-483-8101 (Selectmen's Office)
Phone: 603-851-1290 (Cemetery Sexton)
Phone: 603-370-0851 (Beth Chalbeck)
Cemetery Trustees (Group Email)
Beth Chalbeck, Chair, Bookkeeper (2028)
Mark Chalbeck (2027)
Shaunna Kirkpatrick (2026)
Rick Lazott (2028)
Richard Snow (2026)
Martin McFarland, Cemetery Sexton
Community Power Committee
Kevin Coughlin, Chairman
William Saffie, Vice-Chair
Brenda Coughlin, Secretary
Ryan Young
Conservation Commission
Phone: 603-483-8101 (Selectmen's Office)
Judi Lindsey, Chair (2025)
Leon Austin, Vice-Chair (2027)
Tom DiMaggio (2026)
Carol Howe (2027)
Ron Laverdure (2026)
Janet Lewis, Administrative Assistant (2025)
Ryan Young (2027)
April Holmes, Alternate (2027)
Richard Snow, Alternate (2027)
Emergency Management
Phone: 603-483-8101 (Selectmen's Office)
Robert Panit, Emergency Management Director (Appointed)
Fire and Rescue
Phone: 603-483-2202 (Fire Station)
Phone: 603-247-5498 (Ambulance service or billing questions)
Phone: 603-639-7179 (Outdoor burning permits)
Fax: 603-483-2311
Dean Young, Fire Chief
Mitch LeBlanc, Deputy Chief
Kyle Ball, Captain
Michael Kelley, Captain
George May, Safety Officer
John Burnett, Lieutenant
Jon Snow, Lieutenant
Isaiah Soucy, Lieutenant
James Wilson, Lieutenant
For a list of current personnel, see Department Roster.
Fitts Museum Trustees
David DePuy (Appointed)
Janet Lewis (Appointed)
Ron Severino (Appointed)
Brenda Stevens (Appointed)
Dick Weeks (Appointed)
Food Pantry
Mobile: 603-370-2977
Candia Community Woman's Club
Donna DelRosso, Welfare Director
HOP Steering Committee
Phone: 603-483-8588 (Land Use Office)
Carla Penfield, Chair
Mark Chalbeck
Pattie Davis
Wendy Ducharme
Anne Lacey
Melissa Madden
Brian Sargent
Sarah Sargent
Judith Szot
Committee Contact: Megan Ross, Land Use Coordinator
Health Department
Phone: 603-483-1015
William Dinsmore, Health Officer (Appointed)
Henry W. Moore School
Phone: 603-483-2251
Fax: 603-483-2536
For more information, visit Henry W. Moore School website.
Heritage Commission
This committee is no longer active. Please direct all questions to the Selectmen's Office.
Land Use Office
Phone: 603-483-8588 (Land Use Office)
Megan Ross, Land Use Coordinator (Appointed)
For more information, see Planning Board Directory listing.
Clark Thyng, Town Moderator (2027)
Clark Thyng, School District Moderator (2026)
Parks and Recreation
Phone: 603-483-8101 (Selectmen's Office)
Susan Young (Appointed)
Planning Board
Phone: 603-483-8588 (Land Use Office)
Tim D'Arcy, Chair (2028)
Mark Chalbeck, Vice-Chair (2027)
Linda Carroll (2026)
Kevin Coughlin (2026)
David Labbe (2028)
Judi Lindsey (2027)
Michael Santa, Alternate (2026)
Brien Brock, Selectmen Representative
Patrick Moran, Selectmen Representative Alternate
Megan Ross, Land Use Coordinator (Appointed)
Police Department
Phone: 603-483-2318 (Office: Mon-Thurs: 8:00 am-4:30 pm)
Phone: 603-483-2317 (Police Dispatch: Use after hours and weekends)
Fax: 603-483-0253
Chad Shevlin, Police Chief (Appointed)
Ryan Stanton, Lieutenant (Appointed)
Isabella "Bella" Schaffer, Officer (Appointed)
Scott Camacho, Officer, Part-time (Appointed)
Richard Langlois, Officer, Part-time (Appointed)
Joshua McAllister, Officer, Part-time (Appointed)
Michael McGillen, Officer, Part-time (Appointed)
Shawn Santuccio, Officer, Part-time (Appointed)
Christina McCarthy, Administrative Assistant (Appointed)
Recycling & Energy Committee
Clayton Caddy, Chair
Al Couch
Janet Lewis
Richard Snow
Gail Thomas
(assignment pending), Selectmen Representative
Recycling Center
Phone: 603-483-2892
Chuck Whitcher, Facility Supervisor/ Operator (Appointed)
Richard Arsenault, Operator (Appointed)
Nick Broadwater, Operator (Appointed)
Joe Lamarche, Operator (Appointed)
See Recycling & Energy Committee Directory listing.
Road Agent
Phone: 603-660-8696 (Road Agent)
Phone: 603-483-8101 (Selectmen's Office)
Jeff Wuebbolt (2026)
Boyd Chivers, Selectmen Representative
Safety Facility Committee
Brien Brock, Chairman
Chad Shevlin, Vice-Chair
Mark Chalbeck
Russell Dann
Ed Domings
Dennis Hebert, Jr
Richard Langlois
Ron Severino
Tom Severino
Jeff Wuebbolt
School Board
For more information, visit Henry W. Moore School Board website.
Selectmen's Office
Phone: 603-483-8101
Fax: 603-483-0252
Amy Spencer, Town Administrator
Linda Chandonnet, Administrative Assistant (Appointed)
Tamera Peek, Accounting & Payroll Specialist (Appointed)
Melissa Madden, Finance Office Assistant (Appointed)
For more information, see Board of Selectmen Directory listing.
Smyth Memorial Building Trustees
Carla Penfield, Chair (Appointed)
Sue Hayden (Appointed)
Paul LeBlond (Appointed)
Diane Philbrick (Appointed)
Betty Sabean (Appointed)
Smyth Public Library
Phone: 603-483-8245
Heidi Deacon, Librarian
Smyth Public Library Trustees
Richard Mitchell, Chair (Appointed)
Rachel Black (Appointed)
Micah Fultz (Appointed)
Bill Graff (Appointed)
Lisa McKenna (Appointed)
Alyssa Robie (Appointed)
Deb Spezzaferri (Appointed)
Molly Timmons (Appointed)
Allyn Chivers, Public Representative (2026)
Supervisors of the Checklist
Phone: 603-483-5140
Candice Stamatelos, Chair (2028)
Eileen Eisenstein (2030)
Audrey Stamatelos (2026)
Tax Collector
Phone: 603-483-5140
Fax: 603-483-0252
Candice Stamatelos, Tax Collector (2028)
Audrey Stamatelos, Deputy Tax Collector (Appointed)
Town Administrator
Phone: 603-483-8101
Fax: 603-483-0252
Amy Spencer, Town Administrator
Town Clerk
Phone: 603-483-5573
Fax: 603-483-0252
Donna Hetzel, Town Clerk (2026)
Tami Baker, Deputy Town Clerk (Appointed)
Phone: 603-483-8101 (Selectmen's Office)
Fax: 603-483-0252 (Selectmen's Office)
Kathleen Philbrick (2028)
Janet Lewis, Deputy (Appointed)
Trustees of the Trust Funds
Dennis Hebert, Jr, Chair (2027)
Paul LeBlond, Treasurer (2026)
Carla Penfield (2028)
Susan Sicard, Administrative Assistant (Appointed)
Catherine Sangillo, Town Webmaster
Welfare Department
Mobile: 603-370-2977
Phone: 603-483-8101 (Selectmen's Office)
Donna DelRosso, Welfare Director (Appointed)
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Phone: 603-483-8588 (Land Use Office)
Judith Szot, Chair (2025)
Boyd Chivers, Vice-Chair (2026)
Ron Howe (2027)
Bill Keena (2027)
Anthony Steinmetz (2027)
Gale Pellegrino, Alternate (2026)
Megan Ross, Land Use Coordinator (Appointed)
Zoning Review and Revision Committee
Phone: 603-483-8588 (Land Use Office)
For more information, see Planning Board Directory listing.