Assessing Database
Candia’s assessment information is available online. Search Assessment Data Online.
Exemptions and Credits
The Town of Candia offers the following tax credits and exemptions to its taxpayers:
Elderly Exemption
For instructions on how to apply and to determine if you qualify for the Elderly Exemption, see Elderly Exemptions Checklist and Qualifications.
- The exemption amounts off the value assessed are:
- For a resident 65 years of age up to 74: $55,000
- For a resident 75 years of age up to 79: $80,000
- For a resident 80 years of age or older: $100,000
- The taxpayer must have a net income WHICH NOW INCLUDES SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME PER NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LAW of less than $50,000 for either single or married in the year preceding April 1st.
- Must own net assets of less than $300,000 excluding the value of the person's actual residence and the value for a minimum single-family house lot or 2 acres whichever is greater.
- The application for the Elderly Exemption must be filed on or by April 15th preceding tax bills.
Disabled Exemption
For instructions on how to apply and to determine if you qualify for the Disabled Exemption, see Disabled Exemptions Checklist and Qualifications.
- Exemption amount is $35,000 off the value assessed.
- To qualify the person must be eligible under Title II or Title XVI of the Federal Social Security Act.
- The taxpayer must have a net income WHICH NOW INCLUDES SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME PER NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LAW of less than $50,000 for either single or married in the year preceding April 1st.
- Must own net assets of less than $300,000 excluding the value of the person's actual residence and the value for a minimum single-family house lot or 2 acres whichever is greater.
- The application for the Disabled Exemption must be filed on or by April 15th preceding tax bills.
Tax Credit Information
- Veterans Tax Credit Amount is $750.00
- Veterans Tax Credit for Service-Connected Total Disability is $2,000.00
Questions and Concerns
All assessment questions can be directed to Linda Chandonnet, Administrative Assistant at 603-483-8101.