Volunteers Needed! Join the steering committee to help guide housing needs
Posted on Thursday, July 13, 2023
Would you like to lend a hand in shaping Candia's future? Volunteer to help guide a housing needs analysis that will inform future planning for the Town of Candia!
The Candia Planning Board was recently awarded a grant from InvestNH Municipal Planning & Zoning Grant Program, funded by the NH Department of Business and Economic Affairs which will allow the Candia Planning Board to engage the community to better understand existing and future housing needs for Candia residents, at no cost to the town.
The Candia Planning Board and Land Use Office are looking for Candia residents interested in serving on the steering committee that will examine housing in Candia and update housing-related sections of the Candia Master Plan as a part of this grant-funded project!
For more information, contact Amy Spencer, Land Use Coordinator, at 603-483-8588 or aspencer@townofcandia.org.
Category: Employment/ Volunteer | Source: Planning Board | Status: Current